May 2, 2024

In astrology, astrocartography is the study of energy in relation to the placement of the planets, and how we feel those energies based on our geographic location. You can use the practice to find out where you should live or travel to—astrologer Lisa Stardust shows us how

Since we look to the stars to find insights into our love life, career path and finances as well as relationships with family, friends and even our deeper self, it’s reasonable to assume that the cosmos can also shed light on the places we are most suited to live or travel to. As an astrologer, one of the most frequently asked questions I receive is about whether people are living in the right place. Luckily, I’m able to answer this question through an astrological technique called astrocartography, also known as astromapping.
Astromapping is a tool that uses the energy from your astrology chart and the world at large to find an ideal city, region and country that highlights the most amazing parts of yourself. Through this technique, we can find the best places to live, move or travel to on holiday.

So, how does astromapping work?

By looking at certain areas of the birth chart known as the angular houses and the planetary aspects, as well as parans of crossing (astrological regions of the same latitude found on an astrocartography chart), we can find the best place on Earth to visit, live and thrive.
First things first: enter your full birth details (date, year, time, and location) here to create your astrography chart. Once you cast the chart, you’ll see listed planetary glyphs (symbols that represent each planet) and houses. Follow the line down to view the locations that are ideal for you. The lines point to a specific region, city or location. You can use a 700-mile radius of a point to find the spot that vibes the most with you.

The planets:

Just like the natal chart, understanding planets is important in the astrocartography chart. They dictate the energies of the lines.


The sun represents your will and ego. It dictates our determination and what we strive to do. The places that fall along the sun lines will allow you to shine and live your best life.


The moon represents your emotional side, home life, nurture and nostalgia. The lines that are associated with the moon dictate a location that makes you feel sentimental and emotionally at ease. Also, you’ll create great memories living there.


This is the planet of communication, travel, siblings and networking. The line associated with Mercury shows a place that’s great for you socially and professionally. It could even allow you to become closer with your siblings and encourage you to explore the local community.


This planet represents love, relationships, confidence, money and the pleasures of the good life. A line that represents Venus indicates a place where you can be in a tender partnership, make money and have an amazing social life.


This is the planet of action, passion and drive. Mars motivates us to get things done and complete the projects at hand. It also represents our desires. If your Mars line passes through a location, it means that you’ll live a life of adventure and activity in that area.


Philosophical, free-thinking, lucky and expansive Jupiter will bring good vibes and positivity to the area it aspects when it passes through a location. It’ll encourage you to take more risks and be more spontaneous. Also, it’ll add optimism to your life.


Saturn can make the energy a little ‘stuffy’ as it is the taskmaster of astrology. It makes sure that we file our taxes, make our beds and do our chores. It also teaches us major karmic lessons. If a location falls under your Saturn line, you can expect to lead a dutiful life of structure in the area.


This is a planet of revolution and awakening (on both a personal and global level). Any area that falls on this line will make you a rebel, humanitarian, active in politics or community affairs. Also, having a routine may be challenging in areas aspecting your Uranus line.


Dreams, creativity, fantasy and unconditional sentiments are added to your life if your Neptune line is activated in an area. It can also incorporate you into the local art or music scene. The only thing to look out for is that this planet can add confusion, illusion and deception on a lower vibration.


This transformative planet can lead to power struggles with others if you refuse to grow, which means that it’s important to lean into the evolutionary vibes that the area brings to us by being open to change.

Pro tip:
When using astrocartography, it’s best to use the lines of beneficial planets such as the sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Mercury is neutral. The moon adds cosiness and warmth.

The nodes of destiny (aka the lunar nodes of the moon):

North or true node

Ever feel as though you’re in the right place at the right time? That’s because your ‘north’ or ‘true node’ will guide you there. It’s your destiny for this lifetime. This represents a fated destination and place for you to reside in.

South node

Ever feel deja vu when visiting a location? It’s because you’ve been there before in a past lifetime, which is what the south node represents. The south node is what we’re trying to move away from in this lifetime.
There are four lines that aspect different parts of the chart (in the angular houses that are known to be a forceful placement on the chart due to their ability to manifest and take action) and show the potency that the planet will bring to that sector of your life. In astrocartography, astrologers look to the angular houses of the birth chart due to its power.

The angular houses are:

1st house/ascendant (AC)
The house of identity and energy we pour into the world.

4th house/imum coeli (IC)
This is the sector of the chart that relates to the home and family.

7th house/descendant (DC)
This is the place of the astrology chart that focuses on intimate relationships and partnerships.

10th house/midheaven (MC)
Career and status are the areas of our lives that this house energises.

How to use astrocartography when travelling, moving and in relationships:

Personally, I use astrocartography when travelling and on holiday. If I’m looking for a fun beach vibe, I’ll look to see if there is a spot near the ocean where the sun, Venus or Jupiter aspect my AC (since it’s the house of self). When I’m planning a romantic getaway, I will check out whether or not my DC is being aspected (since it’s the house of partnerships).
Once, before I made a major move, I checked my astrocartography chart to foreshadow the energy of the area. I was cynical (even as a professional astrologer), but sure enough the chart didn’t lie. I had saturn aspecting my IC and my home life felt heavy (to say the least). The next move, I made sure that my chart was well aspected by the lines and it was. Venus was in my DC and I fell in love. These are factors to consider before making a major move or change of location.
Funnily enough, my moon line (which represents emotion) connects with my IC (home and family) and runs through Havana, Cuba, which is where my grandmother (who I’ve always been connected to) is from. Clearly, there are deep astrological and ancestral roots to that region. Be prepared to get a lot of information from your astrocartography chart. It’ll spill a lot of cosmic truth about yourself.
When advising clients, I always suggest looking at the chart to pick the place where they will be the most successful in their goals—whether that’s love, work or a thriving home life. Ideally, they will pick a location that lets their truest self shine the brightest and be most confident. An important thing to consider when using astrocartography is to know what you’re wanting to cultivate and add to your life.
You don’t even have to travel or move to these areas to feel the energy of the regions that your chart vibes the most with. Listening to music, watching movies or TV shows, and meeting people online from those areas will allow you to feel the energy, too.